The Essence Collection

Link Design Studio’s Essence Collection captures the intrinsic value of the classic, sophisticated Link textiles you’ve known and loved, and expands the series to explore new textures and an updated color palette. This collection offers a renewed array of dimensionality for indoor and outdoor furnishings.

The hand-spun and woven yarns introduced in the collection, the creation of world-class artisans, offer the blend of softness and durability that Link customers have come to expect. Strengthened through modernized weaving techniques, the Essence Collection blurs the lines between indoor and outdoor fabrics and challenges preconceived notions of where and how these materials can be used. Link’s signature color ranges are expanded and enhanced in the Essence Collection, each a story of depth and nuance as varied as its many possible uses.

Performance by Design

Luxury Performance Fabrics

Balancing resilience with elegance, Link’s Essence Collection is designed for performance: this phenomenal new collection’s colorfast properties ensure that brilliant-brights and cool-calms will hold their essence, unfading, wherever you choose to use them. The time of limiting fabrics to one type of space is over, and with Link’s Essence Collection textiles, the time for infinite possibilities is on the horizon.