LINK’s debut Luxury Performance Rug collection combines artisinal master-weavers with yarns engineered for performance.

All of our rugs are Handwoven or Handloomed in India & Nepal by traditional artisanal Persian & Tibetan weavers. QUALITY is of utmost importance, so we leave it to the masters to create our designs. Our Superfine Handloom Rugs are made with 250 knots per inch—the densest, finest weave structure possible. That’s almost 4 million knots in a 9’x12’ rug. The solution dyed acrylic yarns are as fine as silk, and so the look and feel of these rugs reflects the same level of quality and character.



All of our rugs are woven with Sunbrella ™ Solution Dyed Acrylic yarns, making them inherently stain and fade resistant. Engineered to perform in the desert heat or low country humidity, Link Luxury Performance Rugs are mildew proof and easy to clean.


In an exclusive partnership with Sunbrella™, we have created a signature color palette of Solution Dyed Acrylic yarns that coordinate with our indoor-outdoor fabric collections. We offer a selection of vibrant colors that span through the perfect neutrals and bright bold hues.



These rugs have specific variables which can be customized (such as size, color placement and pile height) and will be woven to order upon receipt of your deposit. We invite you to choose a pattern or texture of interest and play with our online tool to specify these details, print a rendering or place a quote request. This category includes complimentary colors we have chosen and sampled, so you can choose from those we’ve already trialed and request a sample to see the color in person, sent directly to your door. Depending on the manufacturing technique and size of the rug, these will take between 4 weeks to 6 months for production and shipping


These rugs incorporate customizable patterns, colors, scaling of stripes and borders. In this category, you’ll find a range of options that we believe are beautiful as well as the ability to dream up your own version. This category includes complimentary colors we have in our sample inventory, so you can choose from those we’ve already trialed and request a sample to see the color in person, sent directly to your door. Depending on the manufacturing technique and size of the rug, these will take between 4 weeks to 6 months for production and shipping.